Bucharest - Day 2


The cruise group arrived last night and after a week traveling solo it was strange to be with so many people. The advantages of course were someone to go to with to enjoy a couple pints of Guinness! 

The next day was slightly off-kilter since we had to check out of one hotel and into the hotel next door where the cruise ship was putting us up for the night since the ship couldn't make it in with the ever decreasing water levels. So far the rain isn't helping the the river continues to shrink in depth. Time to explore some different streets so yes, today's images are statues and churches.

This monument marks the 1989 Romanian Revolution.
Base of the monument.
The map labeled this as "White Church" and that's what you get. Some of the others are "Brick Church" of which there were plenty. Tomorrow brings the long bus trip to Vidin.


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