Vidin, Bulgaria

The ship is docked right by the city center and this is the view that you get as you head into town. Vidin was once one of the biggest port cities along the Danube and influences from other areas show up around the city.

Since I can't resist a fortress, I took the walking tour to the Baba Vida fortress, pretty well intact and good for exploring. 
The fortress must have had a great view back in medieval times to see anyone approaching the area. Today it was hard to find a view that wasn't blocked by playgrounds, shops, or restaurants. This was the closest I could come to imaging what it would have looked like.
This is also a fort where safety is your own responsibility. You can go through the tunnels and into the room but especially in the dungeon rooms there are drop-offs to the area below that are hard to see in the dark. I'm curious how many people have taken a tumble down. Overall, Vidin is great place for a day trip. I'm glad I made it!


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