Now vacation truly seems far away! It's already been over two weeks since I returned home and now work is threatening to override all that wonderful relaxation! To make matters worse, in the middle of this heat wave, the roofers have arrived to redo our condo roofs and hot tar is getting poured on the building. It's just to hot to concentrate or think clearly.

This is impacting my back to school strategy of writing all the rough draft essays this week so I can be ahead of schedule. It's just so hard to concentrate. I thought I would be all smart and take a test with only a half effort at studying and the results were not good! Luckily I get two more chances to take the test so I have been practicing.

Tomorrow I'm off to El Centro and visiting the land of sand dunes doesn't seem as appealing as it did a month ago. Oh well, work calls!

At the end of the week is San Diego's annual Street Scene, except 6 weeks early and in the stadium parking lot instead of the gaslamp. It may be better than previous years or this could be my last year. I'm looking forward to Black-eyed Peas, White Stripes, 311, and Flogging Molly!


  1. i love the jack white produced loretta lynn album that came out last year... i wasn't into country or the white stripes but i just thought it sounded like an interesting combination! and it is! :)


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