It seems a reboot is needed this evening, so the roof photos will have to wait. We did the walk-thru and went up on the roofs. There are some touch-up repairs to be done, but as we are not contractors, we are going to request the post building permit and city inspection before signing the check. If we don't do this, then we are here with an illegal roof, and anyone who wants to sell has to disclose this under the Real Estate Laws.

While I wasn't sure what to make of the roof, I was happy to learn that there are no entryways via the roof for rodents, racoons, birds, and so on. I do feel covered in dirt and grime but I think that has more to do with the tree branches and cobwebs that hit us on our way up the ladder.

Roofs, BBB, Permits. I hope I get some sleep tonight. Last night I stayed up worrying about the whole thing. I'm sure this is not going to play out well but it's over for today.


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