Home. I arrived in LA last night but since I only had 10 minutes of sleep on the 24 hour trip, I opted for a hotel stay rather than risk running into a nice Belgium couple. At 2:30 am, I woke up wide awake, powered down some coffee and was home at 4:30 am. I got to experience the new high price of gas around 3:30 am where the $4.55 per gallon in San Juan Capistrano almost did me in until I saw Carlsbad was at $4.65. More coffee is going down me now and I'm taking advantage of the buzz to balance my checkbook and see how rich or poor I happen to be. UOP raised their tuition but you can pre-pay classes before July 1 and bypass the fee increase. I'd rather be poor than help make UOP rich so that's next on the list. First post office stop (PO Box) has been done and that mail is sorted, filtered and filed. In three hours I can retrieve the held mail at the other Carlsbad post office and go through that process again.

I expect to crash hard around 10:00 am today but for now, I'm returning to some sort of a normal routine.


  1. Welcome home. KS on Friday?

  2. I'm glad your home and safe! Shocking gas prices just keep rising with no end in site. Bonnie


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