The Clone Wars

Going into this I knew the fan reviews had panned the movie and blasted it (rightfully so) to a mere blip in the Star Wars universe. But some things have to be done and for me as a Star Wars fan, that meant going to the theater and sitting through The Clone Wars. It had to be today or never since the movie was down to only a 10:15 am screening in Carlsbad and that was it.

The idea came from the television animated series of the same name which was short five minute episodes that finished right where Revenge of the Sith began. The series was great.

Clone Wars the movie is not great. The series of events (since a plot did not exist) revolved around Anakin and his Padawan rescuing Jabba the Hutt's son. A secondary action line had to do with a lot of fighting along the way. After watching this movie, I can totally understand why downfall of the Jedi happened because Yoda seems to have lost control of the Jedi. Poor Obi Wan, he's the only one trying to follow the Jedi code anymore.

What I liked: Baby Hutt (he had no name but the Jedi called him Stinky but that rates in the part I didn't like.) Baby Hutt didn't speak, cry, or do much but loll about. Baby Hutt was funny.

I liked the Tatooine scenes because the sunlight was a welcome relief from all the night or underground settings that made the film mostly a black screen.

And I didn't mind the music.

What I didn't like: The complete and total lack of believability in the created universe. Why did everyone keep calling Anakin's Padawan a Youngling when she was in her late teens? Anakin was a Padawan at 8. Makes no sense. Where was the Padawan's Jedi robe? I guess some Padawans get to wear the non-protective, non-body covering outfit of choice.

Why are they always on Tatooine? As far away from the center of the universe as you can get and why Luke was hidden there. Why Jabba? This made no sense except to place them on Tatooine.

Aren't the Jedi supposed to respect life? Stinky did not seem right even from Anakin.

Anakin - well this can maybe go on what I liked. It really showed him for the sulking, whiny, soon to be dark side boy that he is.

When did Palpatine start calling Amidala Padme? When did Palpatine command the Jedi order and Yoda?

Why was this movie made?


  1. This "movie" seemed out of place from the start. I say make episodes 7,8 and 9!!!!


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