Recovery Weekend

6 weeks on and off the road can mix up any schedule, including mine. I have now had almost 48 glorious hours in the same place, namely home. I stopped at KS on Friday night and filled up the jug with Oatmeal Stout which despite the bartender's dire warnings about the beer not traveling well, has managed to last the entire weekend. Yum.

All bills are paid and bank accounts balanced. I'm caught up on the multiple personal email and social networking sites. I finished reading 2 out of my 3 airplane books. I've got recycling and trash ready to go for Thursday. It's my first trash day home in 6 weeks and I've got a full load.

The weeds are 3 feet high and ignored. The only way to ruin a perfect weekend is by pulling weeds so the lizards and gophers have their playground for another day. The backyard is a bit out of control and it's starting to resemble Day of the Triffids more and more. I hear rustling against the windows more and more with each gust of wind.

I'm sure after one week of return to normalcy I'll be ready to hit the road again. In preparation I've bought a ticket to Geneva for the end of May. No use taking chances.


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