Carpinteria Seal Sanctuary

The Carpinteria Seal Sanctuary is right on the beach near the pier and each year seals come to give birth and raise their pups. Volunteers count seals, caution people from doing anything that will alarm seals and provide fascinating seal facts when asked. For example, one concern is that it takes a while for a mother seal to bond with her pup and recognize it. If someone scares the seals and the rush off into the water, the mother might not find her pup and it won't be adopted, meaning bye-bye baby seal. Sad, but nature is like that.
A short walk (follow the trail, there is no marker) from the parking lot takes you to the seal sanctuary. Looking down from the cliffs at first the seals all look like rocks until they move and your eyes focus in on the animals. There are dozens if not hundreds of seals.
 Lots of sleeping going on.
 And a few wake up long enough to look around and make sure all is well.


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