Today's the official announcement - I'm selling my condo and buying a home! This has been 18 months in the making but the final straw was when I came home from the Middle East and saw the beautiful fence had been broken. Having 7 people and a dog next door didn't help either. The new neighbors's fixed the fence and then proceeded to spill oil in the driveway. That got cleaned up but then I came home to a big mess of wood, pencils, and pens in my frontyard. I tossed that out and this morning there was an empty cigarette carton stuck in the branched of the little tree by my door. Now that's just plain insulting and disrepectful. I was so annoyed that I spent the last 30 minutes being visible. I swept up the tree leaves, cleaned out the garage cobwebs, made several trash runs just to be seen. I'm home and don't mess with my yard.

I'd already been in touch with Max, our family realtor and started the process a few weeks ago. I meet with the loan guy tomorrow and Max will be over in about 10 days to look at the condo. (It's really messy right now and no one is getting in.) We'll list the property as soon as I return from Spain and the goal is to have it sold by Christmas. At that point I'll turn into a homeless person for a couple months since I need the profit to buy a real house! I was going to go to another condo but after talking with quite a few friends (who all read this) I've decided to go for the real thing. I am staying in Carlsbad but just a different area.

Of course the whole process will be documented here so you can join the fun!


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