Stepford neighborhoods are real. I think I live in a variation of one.

First off I wake up Saturday morning to find 2 piles of dog poop on the front yard. I hate cleaning this up since I don't own a dog. I decided to leave it there in protest. Let the neighbor's kids walk in it if that's what it takes.

Then Ms. Kitty and I had adventures. First up was a trip to the e-waste center. As we prepared to leave, the local teen girls were preparing a water balloon assualt of innocent walkers on the street below. The staging area was the abandoned plastic playhouse. We also noticed that there had been end of school celebratory egging going on about the neighborhood. Not exactly Stepford but odd.

The e-waste trip was done without hardly any speaking to the workers. We drove up to the site where a cheerful and pleasant person directed us around the corner. From there, people waved us in and almost everything was communicated via sign language. In a matter of minutes we were down 2 computers, 6 speakers, and some random e-waste. In & Out, no long wait. Odd.

Back to the homefront, I decided it was going to annoy me if people were throwing water balloons in front of my house. I asked the girls if Ms. Kitty's car was going to be hit. They replied no and left soon after. Once they were gone I ran out and threw away the staging bowl, balloon debris, a basketball hoop, and a popped beach ball. (Local parents don't pick up it seems)

So a few hours later, I notice movement outside my front door. There are two people literally walking into the flowers right on the front porch. I go outside to see what they are doing at my house. It's grandma and grand-daughter with a net and a cage. Grandma looks at me and says "we're hunting bumblebees" and waves a cage at me. I was so taken aback. Can't you catch bumblebees in your own yard? was my thought. What came out was "don't step in the dog poop." Grandma replied, "Oh yes, we're avoiding it." I backed off. What can you really say to all that? They were there at least another 30 minutes.

Later that evening we went outside and the dog poop was gone. The gardeners normally never clean this up but someone took pity on me.

I think the neighborhood is trying to conform me but I don't know why. People don't go onto the other yards and play or hunt bumblebees, only mine. I don't see children randomly playing in other people's yards, only mine. I need a force field of some sort.

Bumblebees. She got me there.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    My strange neighbor below me once decided to test drive his jeep through my back yard. I just stared at him as he drove around and back out. I wouldn't really mind but I had never even spoken to him before that. I've since met him but continue to think he's strange.


  2. My neighbor walks his dog into the ice plant in front of my condo. I know he sees me looking at him out my window, but he continues to do it. However, if he is a homeowner, then we each own approximently 1/130th of that land, so it is not like he is walking on my property. But nobody should walk in the plants, they have enough trouble surviving in the rocky, dry ground.

  3. Sorry, we are those people you write about! Two days ago I went to check on Andrew while he was playing in the front yard. While trying to catch bee's, he had climbed up a neighbors fence and was hanging from their windowsill. I was mortified!


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