The Interpreter

"The Interpreter" starts off well enough. We are quickly introduced to the main characters, given a quick back story and the provided the set up for the entire movie. The plot is semi-plausible and works throughout most of the movie. Nicole Kidman's character Silvia, an UN interpreter is placed in danger when she overhears a brief comment in another language. Sean Penn comes in as the broken hero who must protect the interpreter and in the process they both find emotional healing. Oh, and it's an action movie too.

This probably could have been a better movie because the first half goes by at a quick pace and the story is involving. Anytime Penn and Kidman are on screen together, the movie picks up and their relationship is fascinating to watch. In the second half of the film, the story loses credibility and goes so far off track that by the time the potential target of an assassination arrives, I'd already forgotten that he existed in the first place. The story gets less plausible and by the time it ends, we no longer care what happens to the two leads.

If you go see "The Interpreter," it's not a bad movie, there's just too much added in to the drama. I thought Nicole Kidman did a great job and it was enjoyable to see Sean Penn playing a semi-romantic lead. While the movie tries to keep you guessing on who the bad guy is, he's pretty easy to spot so there's no long term surprise. I'd put this movie on the same level as "Sahara." It should have been better but if you've got two hours to burn, it passes the time.


  1. i have no desire to see this film and your review just confirmed that i don't really need to. thanks :)


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