Just checking in from St. Louis. We had nice and hot weather on Wednesday and then today the cold front moved in. I might even see snow flurries Friday morning but I hope not.

My excitement for the week has been minimal. I'm finalizing the dates for the next Mid-East trip, I found a company that can export ice cream to the Mid-East, and as usual, I had endless ways to sample Halal turkey bacon for export possibilities.

I forgot the time difference in TV shows and came back to my hotel in time for what I thought was the start of Survivor only to find that Tribal Council was in full swing! I guess I'm going to miss out on most of this season.

TAR - hmmm. could't really identify with any of the teams. I'll stay tuned for next week. I still think that show would boost their ratings if Mondo and I were a team.


  1. So, so, so glad gay lispy man went bye bye in TAR. I couldn't have made it a whole season with him lisping!

  2. me and my sister are trying to get on TAR... we've filled out the application TWICE!! :)


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