There won't be much time for me to blog over the next three days. I'm about to go into an all-day meeting, followed by a mad dash to the airport to get back to LA tonight. I'm in meetings all day Tuesday and most of Wednesday. Then, yes, there is a slight let-up in my schedule and I can catch my breath!

Today is note-worthy because it is the official last day of school. I logged in to post good-bye and that was that. I'm glad that stress is over with but I'll probably feel like I'm forgetting something for a few weeks until the realization sets in that it's finally over.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Not only did you finish school and got your degree, but you did it while traveling all over the world! I am proud of you!

    PS: Please invite me to your graduation party!

  2. WOW! I must come to your graduation party too!!!!! Unbelievable to get your degree with all your comings and goings. I rejoice with you and relish your free time as well.

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I'm happy for you . . . I'm jealous . . . I'm happy for you . . . I'm jealous

    Okay, I'm happy for you! Looks like the tradition of a beer at KS in Febrewary ain't happening this year. Oh well, less than 10 months and we'll be in Australia!



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