Blades of Glory

Two movies in one weekend! Life could almost seem normal again!

Will Ferrell stas in Blades of Glory, an ice skaking comedy which should tell you everything that you need to know. If you like Will Ferrell movies then you will like Blades of Glory. You'll like it even better if you've ever watched hours of ice skating because there are added jokes and cameos that some people get and others don't. A lack of knowing who's who does not detract from the movie though. Blades of Glory is the story of two male singles skaters who have a bitter rivalry. One is a sex addict rocker (Ferrell) and the other is a classic skating star who lives in a world of rainbows. (Jon Heder from Napoleon Dynamite) The two get in a fight, are banned from singles skating, and find a loophole where they can skate as the first male-male pair. Again, if you are a Will Ferrell fan, you will enjoy the movie.

At 93 mintues, the timing is just right. I found myself laughing for most of those 93 minutes. There is little downtime inbetween jokes and this works well for the movie. There is the mandatory potty humor and barf humor. Close your eyes.

It's rated PG-13 for a reason. If your children are under the age of 6, you need to decide if you want to explain many of the verbal references to sex (all kinds) and gayness, and there are some graphic shots of heads getting chopped off by ice skate blades. I think there were a couple of children in the audience that were taken aback by this. If your kid is 8 or older and especially a boy, he'll love the movie and be fine with it. It depends on your kid though but that was the representation yesterday.

If you need to laugh, Blades of Glory will do the trick. If your mind needs to not think, the movie covers this as well. There are a couple of loose ends that are left hanging but they are minor and don't detract from the movie. Craig T. Nelson plays the Coach and the character is the opposite of his well known coach character in other roles. I expect this movie will take the #1 spot at the box office for this weekend and possibly next weekend. It's also destined for airplane replay so I hope I still like it after the 4th and 5th viewing later this year.


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