Sunday turned into one of those days where I felt like a normal American doing American things. The truck has been sitting in the garage for weeks with a dead battery. I drive it only around Carlsbad and way less than 1000 miles per year. I have 3600 miles listed as my annual average on auto insurance and I recently had to return a paper to Farmer's stating this was accurate. Technially it's not but the insurance companies have some drive going on now to hunt down drivers who understate averages for insurance purposes. I have no worries there.

Before getting to the truck I went out back and took pity on the plants who have hung in there with me for the last two years. I weeded, pruned, and even watered them in hopes they'll decide to stick around another year. Since Comic Con is around the corner and I have a full house soon it was on to sweeping and cleaning (more like moving around dust) the house.

Homer arrived and it was time for the now almost annual jump start the truck and charge the battery activity. Thanks Homer! It's running okay this morning!

And then - I joined the iPod nation with my new bright pink iPod Nano from Costco. At last, I have become one with the rest of you. I promptly downloaded the Rick Steves audio tours of Rome and Florence for the November trip.

On to Karl Strauss where no matter how much the waiters tell you a beer is a close match to DAD, it's not. I was sort of tired from being normal but it was on to homework that after proof-reading and editing today, I would have been better off not writing at all. (10 weeks, 1 day)

So begins Monday. Work today, work tomorrow (plus go to the dentist for my chipped tooth) work Wednesday and then Comic Con begins. Sadly it's TJ on Thursday and then Con goodness on Friday. I will take pictures (at the Con). If it wasn't a hassle I'd bring my computer and do live updates but mobloging will have to do.


  1. That double cheese burger at KS was way too much. I came home, laid down to watch TV and stayed there for two hours, like I was in some kind of coma! So by 8PM I was wide awake and I don't think I fell asleep until midnight. However, the food and beer was good.


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