Kuwait airport once again. This turned out to be worse than I thought. Oman Air could not ticket me beyond Kuwait. Unless I get a Visa, I can't get out to claim my luggage. I can't check in at the transit desk until 8:30 pm. So I have to trust that no one is going to steal my suitcase and that I will be able to check in and get my seat without a reconfirmation. The airlines are famous for giving your seat away and since Oman Air couldn't assist, I am in airport limbo. Luckily a business class ticket and airline status can pay off. I have access to the lounge where I can surf the net, eat, and drink plenty of water. It's 4:17 pm as I type so I have over 4 hours before I can even go to the transit lounge and 7 hours before the flight.

I brought table topics, so to speak. Rarely are animals mentioned in any Middle East newspaper. Today the Oman paper carried four.

"South Africa police seize cars housing vicious rats" That's a must read! 11 cars were impounded after police had reports of people being attacked as they walked by the cars. 25 large rats were found to be living in the cars. The cars were towed away. No word on what happened to the rats.

"Man dies of flesh-eating bug after crab prick" This is a slightly questionable headline but we'll go with it. In Singapore, a man was washing live crabs for dinner that night. The shell of the crab pricked the man on the hand. He later died of a bacterial infection. He was 83 and refused to go to the doctor even when he became ill.

"Pirates put sniffer dogs on hitlist" Malaysia - piracy syndicates are trying to assassiniate two black labs (Lucky and Flo) as the dogs have a high success rate for finding pirated DVD's and CD's. The two dogs are the only ones in the world trained to detect poly-carbonate and chemcals used in optical discs.

And one more dog story - it's not pretty.

"Woman mauled to death by four rottweiler dogs" Potugal a 60 year old woman was mauled as she walked to work. The dogs had escaped from their home Under Portuguese law all rottweilers must be registered because they are considered a dangerous breed. This was the first death from a dog attack in Portugal since 2002.

That's it for now. Next blog from home on Sunday.

Unless I get bored again at the airport.


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