Lucky You

"Lucky You" is the back-up choice for people who aren't going to see "Spiderman 3" this weekend. I found it by accident when I realized that I was too lazy to go to a 1:00 movie but too late for the 10:00 am Spiderman. Moviefone told me that "Lucky You" starred Eric Bana and Drew Barrymore and I figured, why not?

Essentially this is a movie about poker, playing poker, what it's like to be a hard core compulsive gambler, and how even compulsive gamblers who steal, can change. There's a side story about a father-son relationship and a romantic love interest. It's a bit much and a bit long for anyone to really care.

The movie ran over two hours and it seemed as if at least 90 minutes was all about watching people play poker. I don't play or every watch poker on TV, so I was pretty bored. Maybe others will enjoy the poker world series storyline. Eric Bana as the hero is the likeable guy who makes calculated bad choices and Drew Barrymore is the sweet soul who turns him around. Both actors are good in their roles but the love story doesnt' ring true. The father-son (with Robert Duvall as the father) was the far better point of interest and "Lucky You" could have been a stronger movie if it had focused on only the poker and the family drama.

There were about 12 people in the theater. This was the secret theater but even so, I thought at least 20 may have turned out. I think we all left a little bored by our two hours. So, if you like TV poker championships, you may enjoy this movie. If you're looking for a romantic comedy, this is not a comedy and not for you.


  1. That's funny, the review of Lucky You on Ain't it Cool News says the same thing. It is a movie to see if the lines for Spiderman 3 are too long.


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