Got some sleep last night at last! Today was another long one though. I can handle a lot of crisis activity and there always seems to be some crisis going on in some country, somewhere. Today was spent finding solutions to rush an equipment order to Mexico, complete sourcing for a milk shake program for the Mid-East, misc. supply chain issues that needed to be swatted down before they became a crisis and then field the random obscure requests for information that came up. Of the 9 dedicated work hours, I think I spent 1 hour doing mindless document editing. The 10th hour was my pre-dawn catch up on e-mails that don't count as work since I'm still sleeping while I'm drinking coffee and reading.

None of that really bothered me or threw me for a loop. I'm used to it.

What got me unhinged today was school. Now I take online classes so in the absence of a talking class discussion, we have to post responses to instructor questions on a message board. The general rule is 200-300 words, and one or two quotes from the reading materials with proper citations. Some people go overboard on the citations but at least the material is referenced so whatever.

Today, someone blatantly copied and pasted from the text an entire section. No quotation, citation, reference, nothing. The text wasn't even edited correctly and there were huge formatting issues. On one of my last papers, I lost 20% for an incorrect citation even though I had the reference listed correctly. So to see someone basically plagiarize the text so completely threw me off track that I had to walk away from the computer for some mindless television and see what was going on with Britney.

I'm still stunned. I am curious if the instructor will even point this out. It's only day 2 of the class so anything can happen.


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