Comic-Con was just crazy today!  I managed to get myself there nice and early so I could have a decent seat for the Stargate SG1/Atlantis panel.  Most of the actors showed up which was great but then the fans started right in with the stupid questions.  Usually the questions are "can I have a hug? Or a date?" but the ground rules were set up so that no personal questions should be asked.  So then the stalkers start ed in.  One fan is totally telling an actor about watching that actor get into a car and then he described the car in detail.  The story went off on a tangent but you could tell the actor was freaked.

Stargate panel ended at 12:30 so I headed on over to the Star Wars panel and it was closed!  The new Hall H at the convention center that holds over 6000 people was full and I couldn't get in!  LJ and I were so lost with that bit of news that we headed over to Blarney Stone to absorb it over a pint or two.  Homer joined us there a bit later.  After the pints we decided to try for the Sky Captain panel and we made it in just in time.  Luckily for us, they started nearly 45 minutes late.  Jude Law was the guest and he ended up getting really bad fan questions.  Poor guy.  Trey Parker and Matt Stone presented some footage from their new movie "Team America" and that movie looks great!  They didn't answer stupid questions so that problem was solved except some girl just kept rambling on about Kyle and Kenny and Southpark and how much she loved that world.  Does she know it's animation and not real?  No one was sure so she was ignored.

I also watched part of the Farscape panel which would be great if I actually watched the show but once again the fans took over and started referring to past events and asking if the actors remembered that particular fan from way back.  That would be No.  The director asked the fans to move into the present but some of them were quite dense about it.   This kind of fan need for actor validation used to exist only in Trek fandom but it has really spread to all other shows.

It was time for a panel with no actors so I attened Alien Armageddon which didn't live up to the promise of greatness.  How can it, when Alf was in the line-up?  And alternate universe Spock loses his first match-up?  So sad. 

Mark Hamill was up next for "Comic Book - The Movie!" his mockumentary spoof of the Comic-Con.  I stayed long enough for the film clips and actor introductions and the bailed to go home.  I am so exhausted!  It occured to me about halfway home that I had just walked out on Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker himself! 

The big announcement at the con was the title of the next SW movie - "Revenge of the Sith." We'll see in May 2005.  I'm headed back to the con on Sunday for either Joss Whedon or Starship Smackdown!  For now, it's time to turn off the geek factor for a few hours.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Re: Farscape

    That guy who asked Claudia if she remembered him was a goofball but he was joking. Last year at Comic-Con Claudia couldn't make it so Ben called her on his cell phone and got her answering machine. He held the phone up and we all screamed. That fan was lame and inarticulate but he was trying to get her to relate her reaction and she did remember.

    Some of the other fans were a bit much but most were relatively reasonable this year (and they didn't throw tomatoes at the SciFi channel guy but only because David Kemper sternly warned us not to). Unlike The Lost panel in which some hobbitlust-crazed fan asked Dominic Hobbit "what was the difference between this role and his role in LOTR?" Duh, he isn't a hobbit this time. There may have been worse questions (and there was a lot of swooning) but I have already block them out of my mind. The show looked good though.

    I stood next to some hobbitlust-crazed girls in an autograph line and while they were fun and even sweet-natured, I just don't get it. Someone explain it to me. The hobbitlust.

    P.S. why do I look deformed in the Friday's photo?



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