While I don't normally follow the primaries, I did have to listen to a live report from the DNC yesterday.  The report featured two political bloggers and how they were selected to be among the first ever bloggers to receive press credentials at the DNC.  It was fascinating to listen to these guys talk about how their blogs were noticed and recognized by the Democrats as a way to reach out to new groups.

Then I opened USA Today and there was an article about bloggers and the DNC.  It's not all smooth sailing during the process and not everyone knew what to make of it all.  The was a "breakfast for bloggers" where the group had a Keynote speaker.  No word yet on if the bloggers provided details of the meal served along with the words of wisdom.  According to the article, Republicans are considering the option of inviting bloggers next month to the Republican convention.

While I'm not going to cover politics (I don't like any candidate right now) it's good to know someone is reading our blogs and taking note of what we have to say.


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