I'm back from the cruise and slowly catching up on a week's worth of e-mail, bloggerdom, TiVo, and stuff. I'll recap the last day and the overall trip when I can think straight. I ran out of minutes on the ship and the new rate was .75 per minute so I just said no to the last night of Blogger at Sea. But the last night was great! Maybe Homer will help me out with MP3 downloads to my blog so you can hear some of the songs. That depends on how easy it is to find Trek songs on the net and when I have free time.

I was doing fine on land until now when I have that strange sensation of sea motion from the ship. I have to find my land legs and I'm sure this Amber Lager isn't helping but it sure tastes good.

Enjoy the starter pictures. I'll have more in the days ahead.


  1. Welcome back. Good pics so far. I wondered what happened to your blogging. I was hoping that your ship didn't sink or everyone got violently sick and had to be taken off by helicopter.


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