I've become addicted to the refresh button just to watch the Yahoo electoral map change. Since the news stations are scared to report the presidential tallies so far, Yahoo seems the way to go.
Follow my addiction at: http://news.yahoo.com/electionresults

I voted by absentee ballot almost two weeks ago so this night has been a long wait!

Okay, it's now 6:05 pm PST and all those red blobs on the map are starting to freak me out a little. The big red stripe down the center of the country just looks so strange!

7:19 pm and Bush has 195 to Kerry's 112 electoral votes. The actual vote % is pretty close and once again we may see a divided finish in popular vs. electoral votes. I should also give a shout out to Mondo who I think was a volunteer at the polls today. Go Mondo!

8:12 pm and it's getting closer. I did the math though and if the states leaning towards Bush stay that way, he'll get vote. New Hampshire sure is a tough call. It's 11:12 pm there and the votes are still almost evenly split.


  1. Well, now it is 11pm and still no winner has been declared. I'm not going to sleep well tonight not knowing who will be our next president. I had a dream two nights ago that my candidate lost and then I destroyed everything in room. I hope that doesn't happen!


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