The general area of Porto spreads over several towns, along the Atlantic and the Douro river. There are so many old buildings that are used to house military, government, or private business and can only be viewed from the exterior. Or, they house wine caves and are more than happy to have you come inside. No, I didn't go in, I'm not a big fan of Port wine but I didn't dare tell anyone in Porto that!
Then there are the scenic bridges. There are so many of them that span the river that the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus has a separate bridge tour. I did it and went back and forth the river, crossing different bridges.
The old city of Porto is full of narrow streets and walkways that are all cobblestone and either going steeply uphill or steeply downhill. I didn't get a good shot of any of the steep hills for either fear of death by car or targeted tourist by panhandlers. But trust me, most of the hills are steep and I made it my mission to climb them!


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