Scattered raindrops are falling today and while they aren't much more than spit, it's better than hot and dry. The breeze is light and not threatening to stir up ash and while once again the ocean is clouded from view, at least it's more cloudy and less smoke today. Unpacking from evacuation packing is strange. I had plenty of time to consider what to pack and pack light I did. What was surprising were some of the clothes that I had packed. I looked at them and wondered what was I thinking? I don't even wear that shirt on a normal day why would I want to be stranded in it? I did learn that I really don't need much. I chose 3 photo albums, a picture that can't be replaced, clothes, water, and I already had an overnight kit in the suitcase from all my travels. Plenty of water but I guess I would have starved since no food made the kit. 2 special Padre's caps did rate the emergency kit and they are now safely back inside.

I learned that no matter how prepared you are for people to visit and stay for a few days, it's a completely different thing if there is a disaster situation. No matter how much bottled water is on hand, it's not enough. Toilet paper, sanitary items, paper towels, you need more. I went shopping at Target today and now consider myself far better stocked than last week. The only thing I didn't find was the fireproof safe. Those were out of stock.

Since the suitcase was out I went ahead and packed for the cruise. Only 6 more days to go and I think this week is going to go by fast! I bought my plane ticket to Utah for Thanksgiving, ordered flip-flops from, and washed all the towels and sheets so hotel Karen is back in business. Notice the one thing missing from this active day? Yep. It's homework and that's where I'm headed now.


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