Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Today is Blog Action Day. Close to 16,000 Blogs are signed up to discuss one topic - the environment and what we can do to make a difference.

My voting registration is Green Party. In high school I started out as Libertarian as it was the only alternate party option from the big two. Later I switched to Independent and when the Green Party was making a big push to be recognized I switched and have stayed there ever since. There are not many candidates running for election as "Green" but I support them when possible. This registration is also a way for my voice to be added to others whom are dis-satisfied with the extreme left or right views of the traditional parties.

Recycle when ever you can. I have and use curbside recycling for bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. I save up electronics and then take to the eWaste disposal sight in Carlsbad. I have even brought home plastic water bottles from other countries when I couldn't deal with throwing them in the trash and no recycyling program exists in those countries. All my computer paper is either 100% made or at least partially made from recycled paper. Yes, I am the person who saves Christmas bows and reuses them. All gift bags have second, third, and probably nine lives.

Good used clothing makes it's way to Salvation Army. Old clothes get turned into cleaning clothes. I have room to improve on this though but I'm not sure how many cloth rags a person needs.

I rarely wash my car but I can't say the motive is to save water. I'm lazy but this maintains the goal of water conservation. I do turn off the hose when I do wash the car instead of letting the water run while I suds down the car.

Go Al Gore and your Nobel Peace Prize!

Recently air travel has become a topic of carbon emissions. Various calculators add up an individuals carbon emission number. My number was high at 41. 76% of this number came from air travel. The US average number is 27. If I pulled out air travel, I would be at a 25. That's not going to happen but according to new trends, if I feel guilty I can donate money to charity to alleviate my guilt. I donate plenty of money and miles so I don't carry air travel guilt around with me. You can copy and paste this link to calculate your number.

Blog Action Day at work. Click on the banner above for more information.


  1. My average was 31. I need cars with better gas milage.


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