Super Tuesday is more of an afterthought for me. I voted absentee ballot almost three weeks ago. As a registered Green party, my ballot was limited. I gave the usual vote to Ralph Nader and a No to all the initiatives. There were only the Indian Gaming and not much else. Carlsbad had nothing going on so it was short. Now it's a matter of seeing who wins the main party nominiations. In Missouri, you can request any party ballot that you want. The voters there are not limited to their chosen affiliation. I wish every state would go that way. No matter who wins each party, the upside is that more people are registered to vote than ever and the candidates are raising interest in politics and the importance of voting like never before!


  1. I voted by absentee on Saturday. I'm glad I waited because my original candidate dropped out the race a week ago, so now my vote didn't go to waste.


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