Yesterday I went to the bank for what should have been a simple transfer of money from one account into a new account. Even though I bank there all the time and my records are on file, there was a delay. I have everything in my trust and the bank had recently redone all their files and they couldn't find my paperwork. Once the paperwork was located, mine was three years old and out of date so I had to sit and do all new paperwork.

This is all good and frustrating but as I sat there I saw my bank report that had just printed and happily noted that I had a high score and was low risk. As I looked furthur down I saw an address that wasn't mine listed in the history. Ugh.

The banker told me to run my credit reports and check it out. I used the and pulled up my records and they all had a Glendale, CA residence listed from 1999. As I filled out the dispute forms I had a vague memory of when I lived at the condo one of the homeowners was moving and the post office put my condo number in for the adddress change. I only knew about this because of the confirmation letter in my mail. That was fixed within a couple of days but I think this is the address that showed up on my report.

Even the smallest thing can mess you up. I'm lucky that no damage was done and it was a normal mistake. As of this morning I was notified by one of the companies that this address has been removed from my record. That was Experain so pretty fast response!


  1. Experian is the best, they fixed my credit report from damage the ex did. The others, not so much.


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