Kuwait seashore. The two black dots in the middle are women swimming in their burkas. The unusual thing isn't that they are in burkas but that they are even in the water at all. Today was really, really hot and I would have gone in too. The guy with me told me not to get close or be seen taking their picture but really, what were they going to do? Suddenly be the fastest swimmers in the world while wearing burkas and then sprint across the beach at me?

We had just eaten at TGIF and our table was the only table with male and female eating together. Every other table was men or women only to keep up appearances. The young people texted each other since they couldn't sit together. Now before you picture the restaurant full of black burqa's, there was quite the range of girls in tight Ho outfits to western dress, to modern Muslim and only two black fashionable burkas. Almost all the guys were in jeans and tight t-shirts to show off their muscles. The girls at the table next to us shared the birthday cake as one of them celebrated her 21st. 21st birthday here does not mean getting drunk. It means cake and texting the guy at the next table over.


  1. "Suddenly be the fastest swimmers in the world while wearing burkas and then sprint across the beach at me?"

    That is the funniest thing I have read all day, and I needed a good laugh after what's happening at work.


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