The dollar's drop against the Euro wasn't news that I wanted to hear this week. In the time that it took the bank to convert my pre-pay hotel charge, the drop meant that my hotel rate increased by $2.00. I am glad that I pre-paid because if I wait to pay until I arrive, then the rate could go up another $2.00 or more as a result of the dollar's continued decline. Poland is on the Zloty and not the Euro. This is good for me. If I pay for a taxi in Zloty's, the ride to my hotel will be under $10.00. If I pay in Euros, it changes to around $28 for the same ride. Warsaw looks like a city where I will have to act as a local to get the best rate. I've been playing with my collection of currencies and exchange rates. After much deliberation, I'm going to cash in my UAE Dirham for Zloty's. While I'll lose some on the exchange, I'll be better off than pulling from the ATM. My on-hand supply is only about $40 and that will cover the taxis and some local coffee and gelato while I'm there.
I have a handful of Euros that won't go far but they will be great for coffee and tips. I have enough British Pounds for one Hotel Hoppa. Getting to Euro is cheap. It's the little costs that really add up once you're there. I think I'll buy another box of granola bars to tide me over during the trip!
I have a handful of Euros that won't go far but they will be great for coffee and tips. I have enough British Pounds for one Hotel Hoppa. Getting to Euro is cheap. It's the little costs that really add up once you're there. I think I'll buy another box of granola bars to tide me over during the trip!
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