Friday movie night is here again except I cheated and saw the movie before true night arrived. Which fits since the movie - Napoleon Dynamite defies any expectations about what you'll get from a teen geek high school quirky character movie. Huh. While I watched the movie I was thinking that maybe I had better see it again in case I was missing something obvious.

I've been reading the love for ND on fan sites for months and with it's arrival to the "secret theater" I felt it was time to check it out. Our geek anti-hero is Napoleon, a lost guy who has somehow managed to survive life and just keep going as if his world was the true world. You can see where he gets his oddness from his brother, uncle, and even Grandma. The world of his friends, typical lost teens who get beat up by the jocks, create the off-beat posse that takes on the cool kids. You might think you know the outcome but it never happens exactly in the way of usual movie path. At times I thought "Oh no, they're not really going there." And they did.

To enjoy this movie you must either be a current teen or past geeky teen (I'm from the past) otherwise just don't bother. You won't get the funny stuff and you'll just be bored. Even for me the pacing dragged at times but I think this movie will gain a greater following in the DVD market and inspire new quotes of fame for years to come. Even losers get a happy ending here and if you wait for the end credits to roll plus a few extra teaser seconds of dark screen, the payoff is an extended end credit scene.


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