Now that I've had time to watch the trilogy on DVD I have to say I'm glad I have them but.... The digital clarity of the prints are excellent and the sound has been enhanced so I can understand all the conversation now. All the background noise is very clear but at the expense of the music. John Williams' score for SW was one of the finest pieces of movie music and adds so much to the movies but now it's an afterthought. I liked some of the color changes and disliked others. Why did it get so dark and stormy on Bespin for no reason? I don't like Greedo shooting first and the newer, fatter Jabba is just as annoying. Get rid of that scene!

I was okay with the added dialouge in Empire although many people hated it. As far as the end of Jedi, it's only a very small Jar Jar and if you blink you miss him. It's hard to make Jedi worse so I'll consider it a draw. As far as the newer, younger Anakin at the end of Jedi, well Lucas has a lot of storytelling to do in the next movie to explain that!

The SW DVD's were quite the topic around the boards this week!

Onward to greater DVD news: On Dec. 14th we get the 250 minute of Return of the King with hours of treasured bonus material to boot! Mark the date and get yourself to Wal-Mart on 12/14 for an early Christmas treat! I guess that means I'll be having the third annual LOTR party at my house on that weekend!


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